Creative Circle
Launch the website



By blending the virtual and physical world and creating a community of like-minded people, Tokes is looking to elevate the cannabis industry. Before building their cannabis metaverse, creating excitement around the launch was essential; we worked with them to create a website that provides an explanation of what they are building and why, along with a timeline of upcoming milestones.

The Tokes team has so much passion for their work in the cannabis space that we knew we needed to translate that passion onto the screen. We carefully considered how we could make a website that feels physical and organic while still feeling digitally native. Our concept for the website revolves around trichomes: trichomes are the very essence of the plant so they became the essence of the website. As users enter the website, they “shrink down” into a digital 3D plant world and can wander through the trichomes to learn more about Tokes. Each trichome contains a different experience, from their ethos, to their roadmap to how users can get involved.

Launch the website